Reflections: Understanding Pain

The best athletes I have ever known adapt to injuries. They train other things. They work on weaknesses and try and figure out why they injured the tissue in the first place. Sure, they do daily work to speed the rate of recovery, but beyond that, they have grace.

(P)Rehab: Forearms and hand pain

This post came out of the Irrational Fitness archives, having first been published on July 13th, 2012.  It and a number of other posts seemed worth salvaging from the archives, so here it is. [...]

(P)Rehab: Elbow Pain

This post came out of the Irrational Fitness archives, having first been published on May 15, 2012.  It and a number of other posts seemed worth salvaging from the archives, so here it is. [...]

(p)Rehab: The Issue of Thumbs

  I started working with a client a couple of months ago who had (what seems to be more and more common) extremely limiting hand pain.  The initial success in dealing with pain that [...]

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