This post came out of the Irrational Fitness archives, having first been published on May 15, 2012.  It and a number of other posts seemed worth salvaging from the archives, so here it is.

Elbow Pain – Triceps

When looking to rehab most joint pain it is good to look at the muscles that attach on either side of the effected joint. In the case of nagging pain in the elbow, the first place I usually turn is to the triceps. Notoriously hard to stretch properly, the best approach to rehab for the triceps will start where we usually do; with some soft tissue rolling.

The following video shows a quick run down on how to roll out the triceps using a hard roller, but for those who really feel the need to get deep in there, I would suggest making use of your handy dandy lacrosse ball. The point specific work you can do with a ball is just far better than that which can be done with a foam roller. As always, once you have rolled out the triceps, do your best to give them a gentle stretch. For many people, the best stretch out there is done with a band, and can be found in the shoulder rehab post.