Everything you need to climb harder

A 21 day program to improve your shoulder stability and your climbing.

Over the past five years we have gathered data from over 1000 climbers from a wide range of abilities. The data proved overwhelmingly that climbers who are performing better have more stable shoulders. This 21 day program is designed to improve shoulder stability, increase grip strength, and decrease the risk of some of the most common climbing related injuries.

You don’t need much

We set this program up to be easily adapted for training at home, or at the gym. All you are going to need for the training is a bar to hang from, and some kind of weight.

Daily videos.

Each day there is a video to help explain what it is you will be working on, and why it is important. The daily exercises only take a few minutes each day, but will result in a profoundly better understanding of how to train your forearms and shoulders.

Fantastic Apps Available

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Easy & Safe Payments

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The Apps You Need

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Simple Interaction Experience

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Not just another spreadsheet

Our programs are delivered via the Ascension Training Platform. An app that we built specifically for delivering programs to mountain athletes. It has all the videos and substitutes you will need to easily be able to understand the program.